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Join Us
at the
Northern Virginia
Corvette Club!

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Requirements for Becoming a Full Member:
*Your application must be submitted with a $20 application fee.

*Attendance at two club events during a four-month period following receipt of your application: One General Business Meeting and One Club Event.

*After you have completed these requirements, your application will be reviewed by the NVCC Council, who will vote to enroll you as a full fledged member….At which time you will pay the full member fees and fill out a National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC) form. The NCCC form must be signed and returned to get a NCCC #.

Step By Step:
Northern Virginia Corvette Club Application Process

New Prospective Members Only:
Step 1: Fill out an application to join the club and submit your $20 application fee.

* Go to our PROSPECTIVE MEMBER ONLINE APPLICATION FORM, fill out and submit your form and payment via PayPal.

* or…..You can click the link below for our Membership Application in PDF format, which you can download, fill out, print, and mail in with the $20 application fee (or bring to a General Business Meeting). Also, a NCCC Member form is required to be filled out as well to become a full NCCC member. That link is listed below as well.

NCCC Member Form

Step 2: After your membership has been received, you have completed the requirements to join, your application will be reviewed by the NVCC Council. Upon acceptance, you will be assessed dues in the amount of $75, which includes NVCC dues and NCCC dues (NOTE: If you do only NVCC, dues yearly are $50).
Spouses may also join. Yearly fees for a spouse are $25 for NVCC and $10 for NCCC.

* Please go to our MEMBER PAYMENT CENTER to make your payment via PayPal. After that you will receive a NCCC number in the mail (or through our membership chair), which you will use for speedier renewal in the future -ONCE YOUR NCCC MEMBER FORM HAS BEEN SIGNED & TURNED IN!

* or……You can mail your payments via check to our club PO Box (note- not as speedy of an option -can take longer due to postage and handling). Make sure to include a copy of your application. Mailing Address
: PO Box 222102 Chantilly, VA 20153-2102

NVCC_Membership Form

NCCC Member Form

* Please go to our online MEMBER PAYMENT CENTER form (Pay via PayPal or Credit Card).

* or…… Choose the link below to download a PDF form and mail in with the appropriate amount, either $75 for single members, or $110 for member & spouse …Other combinations (if lifetime members, etc are available on the Membership payment center for totals)...
NVCC_Renewal Membership Form

Please contact our membership chair if you have any questions or problems renewing.

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Please go to our APPLICATION page to apply for your membership!!!
Click here to email our Membership Director with questions.